Well, although I've been going mainly on advice from this guy, we've had to make some deviations. First off, he wasn't very specific about how to run the carbonator, but the operations manual found at McCann's website specifically states that the tank should be filled basically all the way to the top before pressurizing with …
Category Archive: Our Home
Feb 08 2005
Soda Fountain Diary #2
Today advances were made. I was able to take the old non-CO2 fitting out using a pipe wrench. I bought a new fitting from Airgas and put it into this regulator with Teflon tape, and there were finally no leaks. The pressure side held at about 600 PSI and has been there for several hours. …
Feb 07 2005
Soda Fountain Diary #1
Construction has finally begun on the long-awaited home soda fountain project. All the needed equipment appears to be collected, with the exception of some odds and ends. I predict major difficulties. Equipment Purchased: Name Purpose Source Price Carbonator Combines CO2 with water to make carbonated water Ebay $160 CO2 Tank Provide gas for carbonated water …
Sep 04 2004
The aforementioned cat spy who made it into the house escaped. When we went out the next morning he had somehow managed to get out of the cat carrier, then moved several objects obscuring a hole in the wall of the garage, escaping to freedom. This James Bond of cats, therefore, does not appear on …